Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My LA Marathon Page Just Needs You

So my first official group training is this Saturday in Pasadena but I already went to Runyan Canyon last Saturday with my friend Keri. We did ok!

If you can't join us for training, click the FirstGiving badge and sponsor me! I need to raise $1000 before January 4, 2010 in order to participate in the group training and run in the L.A. Marathon.

I've thought up some incentives to encourage you (which would encourage me). I've chosen incentives that require effort and/or courage on my part and would be beneficial/entertaining to you. Please remember any amount you can donate is greatly appreciated as it helps provide much needed patients services here in Los Angeles.
You donate - I provide:
  $  250 - 1 hour table massage
  $  500 - 90 minute table massage or
              up to 2 hours chair massage at your work or event
  $1000 - 2 hour table massage or
              up to 4 hours chair massage at your work or event
The first 3 people to donate over $100 can choose what I sing (or don't sing) at Kareoke at the Brass Monkey on my birthday November 6.  Please realize, I am a Massage Therapist, not a singer, but hey, it's for a good cause!

My Team Life Without Lupus fundraising page is http://www.firstgiving.com/stefanielmt. Any amount you donate is greatly appreciated.

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